Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Carrie Ryan & James Dashner

Tonight I was fortunate to go to Carrie Ryan's signing of her new book The Dark & Hollow Places. She spoke for a few minutes before the signing about her series, how she came up with the idea, what characteristics she wanted to develop in her characters, and the journey of becoming a published author. It was awesome! If you have not read her books, I highly recommend them!

I hate sharing photos of myself, especially since I always look like I have squirrel cheeks, but I can't resist tonight.

Carrie Ryan and a very excited me.

And to top off the evening, there was also a handful of other talented authors there such as Ally Condie and James Dashner (two of my favorites). Man, tonight I was in author heaven.

James Dashner and another picture of a very excited me.

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